Dr. Ericka Caldwell-Clinch
Ericka Caldwell-Clinch is a Miami native, a product of Miami Dade County Schools (MDCPS), an academician, an administrator, a Thespian, a community advocate, but more importantly a child of God who knows that He has guided and blessed her abundantly every step of the way. Hence, she is a Christian, wife and mother, a minister, an author, a visionary, and a willing vessel.
She was born and reared in South Miami, is a graduate of Coral Gables Senior High School’s International Baccalaureate Program and Florida State University’s School of Theatre where she received her undergraduate degree in drama. She earned her graduate degree in T.E.S.O.L. with further studies in educational leadership from Nova Southeastern University. She is a graduate of the Jacksonville Theological Seminary (Jacksonville, FL) with a Doctorate in Ministry. She is a Principal with the Miami Dade County Public Schools, having worked through the ranks with other varied accomplishments.
Though Ericka’s dreams and aspirations consisted of her being on the stage in California as an actress —-God had other plans for her. Little did she know she was headed to another stage that would take her into the classroom to teach and touch the dramatic spirits of children. She fell in love with teaching and transformed her love for the stage to the classroom. To further prepare herself, she earned her master's degree from Nova Southeastern University in T.E.S.O.L (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) that would prepare her for a mentor principal who noted leadership abilities in her.

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!
Luke 1:45